Southwestern Region Stalactijack Award

The NSS SWR Stalactijack Award for Cave Conservation and Restoration

The NSS Southwestern Region Stalactijack Award for Cave Conservation and Restoration is presented to BLANK For outstanding efforts in Cave Conservation, Restoration, Formation Repair, Innovation, and/or Project Participation. Given on this date. Signed, Chair and Vice Chair, Southwestern Region.

This annual award has been created to recognize a SWR member who has demonstrated outstanding efforts in Cave Conservation, Restoration, Formation Repair, Innovation, and Project Support.

The Stalactijack is one of Mike Mansur’s inventions that is used to support broken cave formations while they are being repaired and epoxied. One model is spring loaded, and the other contains an all thread and nut to provide upward or lateral pressure on the formation. It has been used on formations weighing
more than 40 pounds.

Nominations for this award will be collected from the SWR membership the month prior to the Annual SWR Winter Technical Meeting. The recipients will need to be an active member of the SWR in order to be eligible for the award. The recipient will be rated on a combined score of 1-10 in each category to make up a total score in the above categories.

Past recipients of the Stalactijack Award and Mike Mansur will make up the committee who will make the final decision on the winner, who will then be announced at the SWR Winter Technical Meeting each year. The winner will receive a certificate and a $100 cash award. The funding for this award has already been established and provided by Mike Mansur. Each year the winner is announced at the SWR Winter Technical.

Past Award Recipients

2024Layla Borgens
2023Tristen Gleason
2022Michael Moffitt
2021Carrin Rich
2020Minori Yoshida and Todd Roberts
2019Lois Manno