Local chapters of the NSS are known as grottos. The following are member grottos of the Southwestern Region. Joining a member grotto does not automatically make you a member of the SWR, and member grottos themselves have no voting rights. Joining the SWR as well as a local grotto is highly encouraged!
Grotto Location NSS Page Escabrosa Grotto Tucson, AZ https://caves.org/grotto/escabrosa-grotto/ Gypsy Underground Grotto Various Locations https://caves.org/grotto/gypsy-underground-grotto/ Lubbock Area Grotto Lubbock, TX https://caves.org/grotto/lubbock-area-grotto/ Mesilla Valley Grotto Las Cruces, NM https://caves.org/grotto/mesilla-valley-grotto/ New Mexico Tech Student Grotto Socorro, NM https://caves.org/grotto/new-mexico-tech-student-grotto/ Pecos Valley Grotto Carlsbad, NM https://caves.org/grotto/pecos-valley-grotto/ Permian Basin Speleological Society Midland, TX https://caves.org/grotto/permian-basin-speleological-society/ Pajarito Grotto Los Alamos, NM https://caves.org/grotto/pajarito-grotto/ Sandia Grotto Albuquerque, NM https://caves.org/grotto/sandia-grotto/ Sierra Blanca Grotto Ruidoso Downs, NM https://caves.org/grotto/sierra-blanca-grotto/ White Sands Grotto Carlsbad, NM https://caves.org/grotto/white-sands-grotto/