About the Region

Founded in 1962, the Southwestern Region of the NSS is a region of the National Speleological Society. The Southwestern Region is a non-profit organization to further the discovery, exploration, scientific study, and conservation of caves, and to promote safe techniques of cave exploration. The Southwestern Region specifically spans all of New Mexico and the area of Texas west of the southern projection of the eastern boundary of New Mexico, but the region is not limited to activities in these areas.

All grottos (chapters of the NSS) within the boundaries of the Southwestern Region as well as some others in western Texas and eastern Arizona are member grottos. Taking into account all member grottos, the boundaries of the SWR partially overlap boundaries recognized by sister NSS regions, the Texas Speleological Association and the Arizona Regional Association.

SWR Constitution

Constitution of the Southwestern Region of the National Speleological Society

Contact Information


SWR ChairmanAndrea Landaker
SWR Vice ChairmanJason Banegas
SWR SecretaryJanine Smith
SWR TreasurerRon Lipinski (postal address)

Southwestern Cavers Newsletter Staff

SWR Southwestern Cavers EditorCarol Belski

To submit trip reports, scientific reports, conservation items, articles on safety, humorous material, or other matters for publication into the Southwestern Cavers newsletter, please contact the Southwestern Cavers Newsletter Staff.

SWR Website Committee

SWR Website Committee ChairmanWesley J. Landaker
SWR Website Committee MemberDevra Heyer

For any issues with this website please contact a member of the SWR Website Commitee.

To add events or news please contact an SWR officer who can help ensure it gets posted both to this website and to the Southwestern Cavers newsletter as appropriate.

If you are otherwise interested in being part of the SWR Website Committee, please contact the committee chair or an SWR officer.


Email List

Sign up for the Southwestern Region email list by emailing swregiontres@gmail.com to get access. You are also encouraged to join the SWR, but this is not required to join the mailing list.

Facebook Group

You can also join the Southwestern Region Group on Facebook. You are also encouraged to join the SWR, but this is not required to join the Facebook group.

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